We rented this cabin for the weekend.
(picture taken from website...obviously...snow is up to the windows right now)
my kids' favorite part about this cabin: the hot tub!
no pictures though.
i didn't even want my camera accessible while i was in a swimsuit!
my kids were so excited when we woke up because the "snow is still there".
in boise, the snow usual melts after a few hours. so they were excited that we actually were going to be able to go sledding.

he had trouble with his hat all day.

buddy was completely fine being carried up the hill this way...

same with princess

he wasn't such a fan after the first run. he was quite content watching.

princess really wanted to go down by herself. begged to. okay. we know what is going to happen. sure enough. a pink marshmellow fish floppin' around till she hit the bottom of the hill. (the hill quite bumpy). needless to say, she wasn't a fan and chose to not go by herself again.

buddy got tired of watching and then discovered that going down backgrounds on his hands and knees was quite fun....only if there was someone at the bottom to carry/drag him back up.

buddy and i slid down a few times on our bums...
and i have a bruise to prove it.

princess wasn't ready to leave. she wanted to get every last minute of sleigh riding in, so we drug her to the car too.

have multiple pictures of buddy on dad's shoulders...never gets old!

we were also able to go and see some of the ice/snow sculpture...or what was left of them.

we walked ourselves down on the lake to see the monster for a valentine kiss!

buddy's favorite part:
we walked upon a hockey game. he was in heaven. that night during his prayers, he said he was thankful for hockey. too cute!

if you ever go to McCall, you HAVE to stop at the pancake house for a cinnamon roll. they are huge. hardly fit on a dinner plate. i cannot describe it in words. when i get to heaven, i want one of them. fresh. hot. right out of the oven.
while indulging in our cinnamon roll. buddy gave out on us.
he lied down on the floor and crashed. hard.
tired boy.

it was a much needed mini family vacation. we had a blast and can't wait to go again.