Monday, December 7, 2009

struggling with #2

literally. the #2 child is struggling with #2.

we have been potty training the last 5 days now. going great. in undies...even through the night...wahoo! no accidents...except #2. he seems afraid. he does super fine with #1. but, you can take them to the potty every few hours and prevent an accident that way. but, you can't force them to go #2 until it has happened.

child #1 was a piece of cake to potty train and she was a few months younger than child #2 currently is. heard many say boys harder than girls. he was ready though.

any suggestions for helping with the whole #2 thing? doing a potty sticker chart. sister gets more excited about it and makes sure the stickers get on there. buddy could care less. bribes...tried a few.

granted: we are only in this a few i haven't reached my desperation point. just don't want to be 2 weeks...or 2 months down the road with the same problem.

any suggestions or thoughts or tricks would be greatly appreciated.


  1. We've been having a lot of the same problem, off and on. I'll try to share what's worked for us (when it worked!): lots of water, and fiber! (But always fluids with the fiber!) Raisins, grape juice, all those good things we tried to have them avoid in large quantities as littler ones, LOL... and a sister-in-law's suggestion: 1/4 tsp (to start with) of FiberSure powder, in a cup of VERY chocolate-syrup-y chocolate milk right before bedtime. That's worked a few times for us, too.

    Kiddo never cared about potty stickers after the first 16 hours, either, LOL... we just made a big happy deal every time he did it, and tried not to browbeat him too much when he had a #2 accident - just got him cleaned up and had him sit on the potty for a few minutes to give his body a chance. It did help sometimes, if we KNEW there was something waiting, to sit in the bathroom with him and sing songs or do nursery rhymes - it distracted him from holding it in.

    Sometimes he wanted privacy, too, so it's just something to check on - kids are fickle, but they're *picky* with their fickleness, LOL!

    Oh - have you explained the basic digestive process and how plumbing works (like what happens when we flush)? I wonder if that would help... depending on what he's thinking & all. It helped us, at least {:-).

    One more (and only one, I promise) - is he using a potty chair, or a potty seat on the big potty? We ended up getting a separate potty chair for Kiddo, and being more comfortable sitting helped him be more comfortable all-around. Some kids go right on the big potty, but ours needed to ease into it.

    Anyway, that's probably a lot more than you need or want, LOL... but hopefully some of it might be remotely useful - if nothing else, the knowledge that you're TOTALLY not alone! :) Good luck!!! :)

  2. Have you tried buying a "prize" that he wants and having it somewhere he can see but can't reach and tell him after he goes #2 in the toilet x amount of times then he can have that prize?

    We are having a bit of the same problem with Kaden. He is just scared because he holds it too long and then it hurts.

    Good Luck!

  3. We let Brayden pick his prize. He could have anything he wanted. He want a bike really bad so he did everything to get that bike and was potty trained easily.

  4. We also used a potty chair to start before putting them on the big toilet. And we made a big deal about them being big kids and having a "big" potty to sit on just like mommy and daddy and how they could keep themselves dry and clean just like big kids.

  5. His favorite treats! I had a jar in the bathroom so he could see it, maybe have them special for #2! I think that worked for Ry. Stickers were great for #1, but he was a treat man for #2! Good luck!
