Monday, July 6, 2009


This year for the 4th, due to multiple circumstances, we felt it would be best to STAY home! Been a few years since we have done that...and let me tell you...we LOVED every single minute of it! No traveling! No packing! No "are we there yet!" No tight schedules! It was exactly what we needed.

On Friday night, the 3rd, we went to our friends' home and had a "carnival" night. We made homemade corndogs and funnel cakes!...yummy! Then lit off our own fireworks.

On the 4th, we woke up and went to a small town parade...ya' know the hicks and rednecks...but, we are both from small towns so we felt right at home! Downfall...I left my good camera at home....
Idea: of course you want to show up early for a good spot, but afraid to show up too early in fear that the kiddos will drive you BoNkErS!. I knew the kiddos would need something to do so I grabbed lunch sacks for bags and markers. While we were waiting they were able to decorate their own 4th of July parade bag! Perfect...definitely doing this one again!

Buddy didn't feel too good. Small fever. We still celebrated....mean parents!

After the parade was over...guess what we did?

Grabbed a little something greasy to eat at a small booth -NOPE!

Walked around the car show - NOPE!

Went swimming - NOPE!

We did the best 4th of July family activity ever...we ALL went home and took NAPS! And, we never felt the slightest of guilt! Perfect!

After our nice, cozy naps we went back over to our friends the typical American BBQ...hamburgers, watermelon, corn on the cob, and apple crisp with homemade ice cream!

We then made the mistake of setting off to watch some city fireworks. You will later find out why it was a mistake.....

Me and princess goofing off while waiting for it to get dark!

Yeah it's dark now...but we are still waiting. (Notice our poor buddy...he looks like a train wreck...I am sure he felt like one too!)


Finally, the show starts...and this is the reaction we get.....

Poor Princess! She H*A*T*E*D them!

Let Freedom Ring! I am so grateful to live in the USA!


  1. We stayed home, too. Isn't it so nice?! We had shredded beef sandwiches, watermelon and pink lemonade cake (new recipe my kids didn't like). Saw the fireworks from our front yard (Texas is flat like that so even though it was miles away we could still see) but couldn't hear the 'boom', Corinne missed that. Fun!Fun! Happy Summer!!

  2. Do you have the recipe for homemade funnel cakes? I would love to make them.

  3. Yea we had one that hated fireworks for many years. He is liking it better now, but he is now 8. :) What a nice day.

  4. Sounds like you guys had a great 4th. Tayson hated fireworks too. Up until this year we would have to put ear plugs in his ears so he would watch them without crying. Glad you had fun!

  5. That sounds like a GREAT 4th!! Honestly, yours sounds better than some who traveled miles and miles. I am going to copy your parade sack idea if that's okay. I hope "Buddy" is feeling better too.
