Sunday, February 22, 2009


My wish for just ONE day: to have my life be completely and undeniably predictable. Yeah, I know you all are saying how boring that would be and if we knew the decisions that we were GOING to make then that totally defeats the plan we were sent here to perform. But, if we knew what was going to happen when faced with a decision...then life would be so much EASIER at our house right now.

We're friends, right? So, you would be okay with me venting all my frustration about the decisions having to be made at our house right now. Here it goes:


Thanks, I feel a little better now!


  1. I'm sorry you ended up deciding to take the offer. I know you really wanted that house. Another one will come along though, sometime! I know that isn 't what you want to hear right now though so be sad if you wanna! LOL! Good luck in the house hunt.

  2. So I am guessing from Jen's comment you didn't take the house? At least you don't walk away empty handed! Sorry you are stressed.

  3. Don't worry, everything happens for a reason! You'll find another house.

  4. *sounding my ARGH right there with ya*

    Yeah. Predictability - and things going the way we've hoped and planned - would be nice. At least once in a while, right??? *sigh*

    Hope the week gets better for you... and I have to say that this post is just really well-expressed. :-) You have such an engaging writing style! :-)

  5. Vent Away! I could use a predictable day too.
