Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The results are in....

If you read my previous post about some of my favorites, you will recall that I LOVE the honey butter you get from Texas Roadhouse. I also mentioned that if you wanted to be my best friend, you would leave the recipe as a comment. With that said, I am officially naming my cousin Angie as my new best friend. Congratulations on your achievement! To all the rest of you...better luck next time.

Now, the moment we have all been waiting for:

Honey Butter (not official Texas Roadhouse recipe, but tastes just like it)

1 cup real butter (not margarine), softened at room temperature
1/2 cup honey
1 tsp. cinnamon

Cream butter with hand mixer for 2 minutes. Add honey and cinnamon. Beat until creamy. Spread on hot rolls, bread, scones or toast. And don't forget to lick your lips and savor every bite!


  1. HA! I just gave myself a congradulatory high five and a Napolian Dynamite "YES"! Glad you liked it.

  2. You girls know that this is the ONLY reason I have ever gone to Texas Rodehouse. You are saving me TONS of money on car insurance....I mean in dining out. I LOVE THIS BUTTA! I will be making scones this week. You know where I live.....
