I went from small cabinets, no pantry, and no counter space to this.....
Yup, I am definitely in heaven. And guess what...I actually LOVE cooking. Shocked? I know, me too!

Welcome back toaster oven!
(when we moved into our last place...no counter space for him).
Missed you!

Notice the peaches on the counter. Freshly picked from a friends tree. Sniff....sigh...my kitchen smells like peaches! Yum!

Didn't think I would like the glass cabinet because I didn't have anything nice to put in it. I just kept unpacking and realized I DID have stuff...just never had them out at old place...small cabinets, remember!

New kitchen table (has leaf and more chairs)

We have a LOVE/HATE relationship! Love it and the color...but, can't keep the bugger clean...or can't keep the kiddos' fingers clean...hhmmm...either way...table gets dirty...a LOT!

Hallway to front door...which I LOVE...the door...not the hallway with the NASTY...excuse me while I gag...okay, that is better...the nasty rock wall!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the center island. It has drawers and cupboards all the way around it. Want to know a secret.....! Sshh...whispering...some of them are empty! I know, I can't believe it either!
You may recognize most of my decor:

And new to the kitchen:

Had no where to put or hang...bought heavy duty magnets and wha-lah!

Got my little artichoke friend at Fred Meyer's for $3 on clearance. Husband thinks I'm crazy...may be why I love it so much!

In the hallway! Got frame on clearance for $5 because it is cracked on bottom. Worth it!...adds character!
And finally, what you can find in our kitchen right now:

Gotta love the B1G1 free coupons.
Makes the best toast!