Monday, March 23, 2009

Strength from a stranger

I was at Wal-Mart on Saturday...I know, I know...stupid mistake, especially on a weekend. Maycie was at a birthday party and dad was busy doing his own errands. It was just me and "buddy". The trip was going as usual, running into people with carts and trying to manuver in between the aisle's while trying to dodge other customers. Pure chaos! But, I was enjoying the simple conversation I was having with a cute, 2 year old toe head...aka "buddy"...who had a short little story for many items in the store. Example: ball...."mommy ball...daddy shoot it...pitch it....etc." I was really enjoying the one on one time with him.

And then it happened,

The random flip of a switch that unleashed the inner demon of a two-year old. Our sweet conversation turned into screams, demands, and harsh words..."No! Stop it!...Jaxon don't want it to (his favorite saying these days. He combines two sentences in one...don't want IT and don't want TO)!" Oh my, help me! The annoying cart clashing with other customers turned into the enjoyable part of the trip.

Four minutes goes by....five minutes goes by....(yes, I am still shopping while trying every resource I have in my purse to get him to quiet down).....

And then I pass a sweet elderly lady. She stops. I knew what was coming..."oh, poor little guy seems upset!" No, ya think!

But, to my surprise, she pats ME on the shoulder and says, "YOU are doing fine!"

That was all I one small simple sentence she recharged my patience tank...good thing or that boy would of seen the wrath of ME! Trust me, the patient momma Anderson is so much more pleasurable!


  1. How wonderful! I am so glad that lady could brighten your day.

  2. One time someone just talked to Kaden and that was all it took for him to calm down and forget that he was crying for a long forgotten reason!

  3. I wish everyone would say something like that! I usually hear "it looks like you have your hands full!" or "you must be busy!". If I had a quarter....

  4. Reminds me of a line from one of my favorite songs..."I believe there are angels among us, sent down to us from someone up above. They come to you and me, in our darkest hour..." Glad to hear that your angel found you on Saturday.

  5. That was so nice. I'll have to remember that one someday myself. I try to at least give a reassuring smile. After all, we've all been there, done that.

  6. That is truly, truly awesome. My gosh, I'm in tears just thinking about it. What a wonderful, rare, blessed moment.

  7. Toddlers, we love 'em but man can they test our patience!

  8. How cute of a story, those old ladies can either be really nice your super mean!!! Depends on which one you "run into." i guess... ha ha
